Our Friendly and experienced settlement professionals in  various Canadian and international Airports can help you:

  • Look for a job
  • Get a language assessment
  • Register for  french and english  language classes
  • Find a place to live
  • Fill out forms and applications
  • Sign up your kids for school
  • Learn about community services
  • help you apply Citzienship
  • Refer you to lawyers and legal aid clinics for your immigration ,family and other legal services
  • Help you obtain the necessary cards   and licences  such as health,Social insurance (SIN) driver licence,all sort of insurance cards and certificates.
  • We are at your service aroudn the clock 24 horus,365 days.we will be  gateway between you and authroities whenever needed.

If you are outside Canada, you may be able to get pre-arrival services in your home country before you move.
you can ready this information book prepared by Immigration and citzienship Canada for further ifnromation.
If you are in Québecfind services the Government of Québec offers on their website.