THE COMMUNITY OF LATIN AMERICAN & CARIBBEAN STATES (CELAC) is an intergovernmental mechanism for dialogue and political agreement, which includes permanently thirty-two countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is a regional forum that brings together all of Latin America and the Caribbean countries. CELAC aspires to be a unique voice and structured decision-making policy decisions in the political and cooperation in support of regional integration programs.
It was created with a commitment to advance the gradual process of regional integration, unity and carefully balancing political, economic, social and cultural diversity of Latin America and the Caribbean of 650 million people. Since its launch in December 2011,the CELAC has helped to deepen respectful dialogue among all countries in the region in areas such as social development, education, nuclear disarmament, family farming, culture, finance, energy and the environment.
After two years of work, the CELAC has encouraged Latin American and Caribbean vision itself as a community of nations, capable of dialogue and consensus building on issues of common interest. By mandate of the Heads of State and Government, CELAC is the unified voice of the region on issues of consensus.
CELAC takes its faculties to act as spokesman for the Community with other countries and regional blocs. This includes the CELAC dialogue with the European Union, China, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Korea, the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Turkey and Japan.
CELAC is the successor of the Rio Group and the Summit of Latin America and the Caribbean on Integration and Development (CALC). In July 2010, the CELAC selected former president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez and Chilean President Sebastian Pinera, as co-chairs of the forum to draw up constitutions for the President of Cuba Raul Castro is leading organization .The next summit was held in Cuba in 2014.
As ex-President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon declared: “We have decided, for the first time to form the Community of Latin American and Caribbean as comprises all regional states space.” Calderon said: “We can not remain disunited; We can not succeed in the future based on our differences; Now it’s up to us to unite undiscounted things that make us different to unite on the basis of our similarities far out weight our differences. The member countries of CELAC are: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil , Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Granada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago. Uruguay and Venezuela.
What purpose this mechanism created for ?
In order to promote regional integration and sustainable development, political cooperation, regional comprehensive agenda in forums: position the region to events of international scope; Promote dialogue with other States and regional organizations; Promote regional and subregional institutions for cooperation and communication between organizations, etc.
What is the way they work and how do they chose to work well?
CELAC makes decisions by consensus and is governed by rules adopted by the Heads of State and Government Summit in Caracas 2011.The State holding the Presidency Pro Tempore was Chile from December 2011 to January 2012, followed by Cuba, 2003 and currently Ecuador since 2015.
During its first year, which developments have been the best and in what field were they ?
During 2012 the Pro-Tempore. President of Chile has launched CELAC and coordinated implementation of the mandates contained in the Declaration and Plan of Action-Caracas has been active as the First Meeting of Foreign Ministers of CELAC Troika (January), the First Meeting of Foreign Ministers in New York CELAC (September), participation in the United Nations General Assembly, in the subject area over forty issues’, highlighting the agreements reached at the meeting on Humanitarian Assistance, Energy, Finance, Infrastructure and Physical Integration, Environment, Immigration, cooperation and a Symposium on “advances and Challenges in Scientific Research on Treatment, Vaccine and drug Addiction Strategies. ”
Internationally, CELAC was well received. An agreement to provide a forum for cooperation with China, strengthen ties with India, the meetings with the Russian Federation, the Republic of Korea, the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Turkey was established, we take note of the progress in the dialogue on regional integration. .
Was there a pre-First Summit?
Prior to the Summit of Heads of State Troika have held preparatory meetings , the Fourth Meeting of National Coordinators and the Second Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs. During the year there have been around 15 meetings of various materials that were considered at the Summit.
What topics were discussed and what were the results of these were preparatory meetings?
Troika Meetings of the National Coordinators and Ministerial Relations CELAC coordinated decisions and resolutions to the preparation of the contract to be approved by the Heads of State Summit, including sectoral issues. This area includes the approval of the schedule of meetings of the Community, agreements reached in thematic meetings, efforts and activities in the region, as well as general and modifications to work procedures.
Following Chile’s pro-tempore presidency ,who got responsibility ?
The Republic of Cuba has assumed the Presidency Pro Tempore of CELAC in 2013 and its task was to coordinate the implementation of the Declaration and plan of Action Santiago, to which we have referred. Costa Rica has assumed the presidency in 2014 after the First Summit of CELAC Troika consisted of Cuba, Chile, Costa Rica and Haiti in his capacity as Chairman of CARICOM.
We are confident that second year of operation of the CELAC, was the consolidation of democratic institutions, and to progress in the commands to be executed by this forum Mexico had the Pro Tempore presidency of CELAC for 2020 and 2021.The Pro Tempore presidency was transferred to Argentina .
I- December 2011 -VENEZUELA
II- January 2013 -CHILE
III-December ,2014-CUBA
IV- January 28-29, 2015-COSTA RICA
V-January 2016 -ECUADOR
VII-January 2018-EL SALVADOR
VIII-January 2019 – BOLIVIA
IX-January-2020 – MEXICO
The meeting was led by Efraín Guadarrama, Mexico’s Celac national coordinator, and Helietta González, deputy national coordinator, as PPT representatives. Mexico presented a report on its management at the head of Celac during the 2020-2021 period.
Economy in Latin America is experiencing tremendous growth due to the large domestic market, the export of commodities and merger of goods and services across the region resulting in an increase in consumption by raising the quality of America of life in most of their countries. But it still must make an effort to rescue 30% of the poor population still exists in the region.
The 6th Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) has taken place on the 18th of this month with the characteristic that, after two years without being held as a result of Covid-19, it was held face-to-face. The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, raised in the meeting the topic of interest of having CELAC promote unity in the continent and strengthen the negotiating capacity of the region against other economic blocs, as well as with United States and Canada.The member countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) unanimously approved to day the lines of action and proposals for a plan for self-sufficiency in health matters in Latin America and the Caribbean ‘a programmatic roadmap presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)’ for strengthening the production and distribution of medicines, especially vaccines, in the region’s countries and reducing external dependence – and gave the United Nations regional commission a mandate to further actions for its effective implementation. The majority of member states are developing plan which will create self sufficiency in food and alimentation by modernizing the agricultural machinery and equipment .President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, called on countries to “put an end to lethargy and propose a new and vibrant relationship between the peoples of America.” Furthermore, he urged the United States and Canada to give vaccines to the countries in the region that have been unable to protect their people from COVID-19 due to a lack of economic resources, and he requested that ECLAC and other multilateral organizations draft a plan with the overarching objective of promoting Latin America and the Caribbean’s economic community and thereby harnessing the region’s natural and cultural wealth.
Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Minister Marcelo Ebrard announced that the decision came by consensus during the 22nd Meeting of Foreign Ministers held in Buenos Aires. Since Mexico held the CELAC presidency during 2021, he transferred the command to the Argentine Foreign Affairs Minister Santiago Cafiero. In his inaugural speech, Foreign Minister of Argentina expressed that his country will exercise this mechanism of integration’s presidency with pride and commitment, and fostering participation and consensus among its members.
“CELAC” is the best tool for the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean,” the Argentine Foreign Affairs Minister said, stressing that his intention is to move towards overcoming social injustices.
he indicated that his work agenda seeks to address the most pressing problems that Latin American countries currently face. Therefore, from the presidency of CELAC, Argentina will promote cooperation in areas related to climate change, epidemiological emergencies, comprehensive disaster risk management, educational exchange, fight against corruption, food security, regional connectivity in transport and communications, the Sustainable development goals of the 2030 agenda, gender equity, and the institutional strengthening of CELAC.
Regarding the international relations of this integration mechanism, he announced that he will promote dialogue with the European Union (EU) and countries such as China, Russia and India.
During the meeting of foreign ministers at the Foreign Ministry, Santiago Cafiero outlined 15 areas of action proposed by the government to discuss during Argentina’s pro-tempore presidency: 1) post-COVID economic recovery; 2) regional health co-operation; 3) space cooperation; 4) science, technology and innovation for social inclusion; 5) integral disaster management; 6) education; 7) institutional reinforcement and the CELAC anti-corruption agenda; 8) food security; 9) dialogue with partners beyond the region; 10) the integration of Latin American and Caribbean infrastructure; 11) environmental co-operation; 12) the development and perfection of CELAC operations; 13) improving the situation of women in member countries; 14) digital transformation and co-operation and 15) culture.
CELAC is the third largest economy in the world with a GDP of around $ 7 trillion dollars and the largest food producer in the world and third largest producer of electricity.
In recent years there have been the best advances in the political, economic and social level, producing rapid growth in virtually all countries. Largest economy in Latin America is Brazil, with a GDP (PPP) of $ 2.293 million (2011). Globally ranked sixth best economy and Brazil’s success is a great inspiration for Celac member states.
Viva la Comunidad de Estados Latino Americanos y Caribbenos
Joint President
Our organization is a mechanism created to represent ,promote and protect the interests of the members of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and its citizens.
This mechanism and the project is an inspiration by the noble Commandant HUGO CHAVEZ FRIAS of Venezuela and who dedicated his life to prosperity and well-being of the the people of Latin America and Caribbean and FIDEL CASTRO RUZ “one of the greatest humanist world witnessed”.
We believe that Celac is beyond common political ideas of left and is the social justice and equality desired for and by the people of this community of the nations and hopefully a model for the people of the other regions. We can continue discover life in other planets but we do not have to destroy the life on this mother earth. We don’t want to see the people of our communities in need of simple clothing and food while below where they live is rich in minerals and natural resources. Our projects are being created to help the lives of Celac citizens improve in and outside of the Celac zone.
Mechanism of Celac International brings together the Mision Celac ‘the NGO of CELAC created officially in April 2012 ,and Celac International trading ,project management and consulting company crated in 2013 to better represent, protect and support the interest of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and its citizens and Doctors for Humanity International which was created by the doctors graduated from Cuban Medical School.
In promoting and protecting the interests of Celac ,we will be working together with the official administration of CELAC including our diplomatic missions located at the countries where we will be providing our services. In realizing our vision we will be setting up offices in various countries beginning with Canada, United States, Turkey, Sultanate of Oman, Korea ,Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russian Federation ,China, Ethiopia. Our head quarters will be based in Havana -Cuba and Caracas-Venezuela
Through our offices we will provide information and assistance for our citizens. We will be with and for our citizens wherever they are. Our plan is to bring the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States to the level of advanced nations through development projects which are being prepared by our experts and specialist in their respective fields such as health, and infrastructure.
We will make 21st century ‘Century of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States’. We hope to be a model of hope , inspiration and motivation for all developing nations. Our policy is’ We win , you win! You win, we win. We are ready and will be happy to share our success and experiences with every nation in a respectful way regardless of its ethnic, religious and social background .We are waiting for you to discover our community with open arms. Welcome to our community .
Following the creation of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States in December 2011 in Caracas, Venezuela by the heads of States of Latin America & the Caribbean , the NGO of Latin America and Caribbean States on April 11, 2012 was created in Canada as MISION CELAC.
The organization is registered with the NGO Branch of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations in February 2013 ( .We started this Organization with the significant motto of noble leader Fidel R.Castro “In life there are two important things: Ideas and people”.
We are the people and we have the idea! Our idea is to create “a strong, united, prosperous and advanced Community of Latin American and Caribbean states after 200 years of independence as Noble Leader Simon Bolivar defined and guided. Mission CELAC not only represent interests of Member States, but also works to protect its citizens by providing assistance during the process of temporary and permanent integration in Canada, USA and around the world in collaboration with the embassies of member states of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean states.
Our organization will be also at the service of American citizens of Latin American and Caribbean origin who constitute one third of the U.S. population. ‘We are and we will always be at your side. Our organization has the sole purpose of acting as a gateway between the Member States of CELAC and the world.
Joint -President
On November 5, 2013 the first company of Celac incorporated as Celac International Trading, Project Management and Consulting with plans promoting and protecting the economic interests of Community of Latin American and Caribbean States. Our company will be organizing trade missions and exhibitions ensuring that the companies of member states of Celac can locate international trade opportunities and promote Celac member states’ products and services attracting investment to the industries of the strategic economic sectors of Celac.
Our aim is to introduce our companies to the productive structure and other selected Celac Initiatives designed to strengthen Celac’s great economic achievement. Brazil’s economic achievement is an inspiration for the community’s other members .We aim at attracting foreign direct investment into Celac and seek to allocate resources in the industries of strategic relevance for the development of Celac and competitiveness of companies and of the community itself.
Our next step is to set-up permanent trade fairs and exhibition places open year around in cities such as Istanbul (Turkey), Muscat (Sultanate of of Omman) Madinah (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) and Los Angeles ,New York, Miami (United States),Montreal and Toronto(Canada) Astana (Kazakhistan).Tashkent (Uzbekistan),Seoul (Korea) ,Moscow ( Russian Federation) Cairo(Egypt) Islamabad (Pakistan)Taipei(Taiwan), Urumchi and Beijing (China),Kuala Lumpur( Malaysia),Tokyo(Japan)Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) and Berlin (Germany) Rome(Italy), Valletta(Malta)’
Zeınab Kaalaf
This vision which will be realized by implementing the below written projects prepared by our team of experts, academics ,and specialists in their fields and will carry CELAC member states to the developed states level. Let us always remember that we are both making and writing our history for the first time after 200 year. Some of our projects are :
Which will connect our northern frontier Mexico to all the way to our southern frontier Argentina and modernization of rail transportation .We are planning to bring similar services in our Caribbean islands where we will connect the eats to west ,south to north.
We are planning to introduce an advanced educational system equipped with high tech equipment.Each student from primary school to the university age will have a tablet and laptops which will have all books and tools and be connected to their teachers around the clock base.This way ,we will ensure that our future youth will have equal educational opportunities wherever they need and wherever they are. Our students deserve the best and Our mission is to give them best tools which they deserve.
Necdet Hincal
When the ex-president of brazil Lula was elected ,presented a plan called ‘Zero hunger’ which moved over 35 million Brazilian citizens from hunger poverty level to the middle class in a very short was a great inspiration to many other Celac member states .
We are planning to present a project inspired from Brazil’s Zero Hunger project which we hope will not only help us provide necessary alimentation and food but also increase the income level of our people and create jobs in agricultural sector. We will help our small and medium size agricultural firms and farmers get agricultural machinery and tools in affordable terms and lover the production cost for them and for the consumers.
Juana S. Jerena
We will introduce preventive medicine with preventive measures which is successfully implemented in Cuba. We, as well, plan to start a project which will facilitate modernization of health systems building health service institutions such as clinics, policlinics and hospitals in developing nations with the support of the Cuban State entity ‘Servicios Medicos Cubanos’ (Cuban Medical Services).
CSM will be providing doctors, specialists and medical staff with their internationally proven know-how and experience in the field of preventive health services through our partner D.H.I an International NGO incorporated in Canada by our doctors graduated from Cuban Medical Schools and registered in the official database of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs as an NGO since 2014. ( vision is to build a health service facility, whether be a hospital or clinic in every corner of the Community of the Latin American and Caribbean States and the world as in Cuban example.
We are hoping to save lives while saving money with the implementation of Cuban style preventive medicine. Our Motto is preventive medicine with preventive measures. We believe that by implementing Cuban style preventive measures we can protect people before their health reaches treatment level.
Our pilot project will be introduced in Latin America and Caribbean this year with our 1.000 doctors who are ready to serve the humanity followed Latin American and Caribbean States. Our doctors not only took the oath to serve humanity but also determined to go every part of the earth. Our mission is to make sure that there will be no town ,no village without a doctor.
Cuban teachers thought to our doctors both how to treat patients and that every human being deserves medical help regardless of his or her ethnic, religious and socio-economic background .We are in the process of getting connected with over 25.000 doctors from over 110 countries who graduated from Cuban Medical Schools.
Vice-President of Celac International
One French-speaking country
Twelve English-speaking countries