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We would like to share this video with you which will give you a better idea about the best latin american universities.

The premedical course is taught over 24 weeks for new students and aims to establish the diagnosis of their academic status, the general characteristics of each student and a comprehensive evaluation of their potential in the development of the program. According to the diagnosis, to achieve leveling, he taught general basic subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Health Sciences, Health Information Sources, Spanish, History, Medical Geography, and approaches to learning.
In the pre-medical diagnosis of personal health is also included and given continuity to those who need medical treatment and stomatology. During this period he taught the method of independent study – active and multiple activities to achieve better adaptation and familiarization with the national health system and the country are made. Also links with their origins through organizing parent meetings for countries with which we reinforce communication, and have done four events where ELAM has been a representation of them in each country. They are also informed semiannually on the results of their children.
The teaching process in the race is organized by a basic cycle of three semesters and a Basic Cycle Clinic semester in the first two years.
The Clinical Cycle of 6 semesters and a one year rotating internship takes place in educational scenarios of the 21 medical schools in close relation to health services and from the perspective of teacher assistance, research and cultural integration, in which a comprehensive medical approach to primary health care and training to work in prevention, promotion, treatment and rehabilitation of individuals, families and communities is achieved.
Upon completion of rotating internship (Last year career) the student is subjected to a certificativo national examination and approved received the title of Doctor of Medicine.
ELAM was created in 1999 at the initiative of Fidel Castro, as supportive response Cuban natural disasters in Central America when he was hit by Hurricane Mitch (1998), with great human and material losses, which worsened the health status of the area’s population.
The health of the Cuban population is one of the highest in Latin America and the 3rd world, comparable to that afforded the 1st world countries..

Brazil features 22 times in the QS World University Rankings 2014/15, with its highest-ranked university being the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) at 132nd. Next is Universidade Estadual De Campinas (UNICAMP) (206th) which is also based in the São Paulo area.
Unsurprisingly, given this strong global presence, Brazil dominates the QS regional rankings for Latin America. In the QS University Rankings: Latin America 2015, not only is Brazil’s Universidade de São Paulo ranked as the leading university in Latin America for the third year running, Brazil also claims over 80 of the region’s top 300 universities. There are four Brazilian universities in the top 1-: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (3), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (8) and Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (10), the latter also achieving four QS Stars.
Universities in Brazil are categorized one of three ways by Brazil’s Ministry of Education (MEC). Interestingly, the MEC acronym comes from it previously being the Ministry of Education and Culture; when the Ministry of Culture (MinC) was created and the name became Ministry of Education, its previous acronym stayed with it! You’ll also find that every university in Brazil has an accompanying acronym to its name.
The six categories of higher education institutions in Brazil are:
Universities: institutions whose core activities are teaching and research for all areas of human knowledge. Community outreach is an important factor in universities, and at least one third of the teaching staff has PhD qualifications.
University Centers: multi-course educational institutions that address all areas of human knowledge but are not obliged to carry out research. They are autonomous and do not need to seek permission from the MEC to open new courses.
Integrated Faculties and Schools of Higher Education: smaller institutions with little autonomy that need to obtain approval from the MEC when opening new courses, certificates or degrees. They offer courses at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels. Integrated faculties operate under a common set of regulations set by a larger university institution while schools offer one or more undergraduate courses in a specific area.
There are also institutes which carry out teaching and research on specialized subjects such as science, mathematics, politics, industrial property, military and philanthropy and isolated colleges which are not linked to universities but are private educational institutions that cover specific areas of knowledge, are not required to conduct research and offer courses at undergraduate and post-graduate levels.
The Brazilian higher education system
Undergraduate (bachelor’s) degrees are known as bacharelado and take between three and six years to complete. Aspiring teachers can take a licentiate degree (licenciatura), which takes three to four years to complete while technology degrees (tecnologia) offer highly specialized professional courses such as tourism management or agribusiness and take between two and three years.
Although the licentiate degree has a focus on education and allows the degree holder to teach their chosen subject, the core courses taught are so similar to a bachelor’s degree that the option to undertake a licentiateship or a bachelor’s degree can be made towards the end of the course. Technology degrees, meanwhile, are similar to the US associate’s degree.
Quality assurance is an integral part of Brazilian higher education, with postgraduate programs evaluated regularly (every two years). Programs that score too low are closely monitored by CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), the Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education.
With Brazil’s push towards improving education standards and its recent moves towards attracting international students, it is becoming easier for international students to apply to study in Brazil. And, of course, Brazil’s beautiful beaches, lively year-round nightlife, easy-going attitudes, rich regional cuisines and incredible biodiversity mean students can expect an exciting and enviable student environment.